
Lundkommardagen 12.- 15. april 2024

We invite you to spring's biggest natural event; Lundkommardagen. We offer our guests an eventfull program with guided tours, culture, lectures, a day trip to Træna, accommodation and dining in harmony with our natural surroundings. Our faithful Lundkommar-guide is in place and ready to take you on yet another Lundkommar day.

14th of April 2024 is on a Sunday and the program will therefore be based on arrival on April 12th in the afternoon/evening and departure on April 15th. It is therefore only possible to book a stay with arrival at the latest on April 12th and departure no sooner than April 15th. We open bookings for single days if we still have availability when the event is approaching.

Temporary Prgram

Friday April 12th

Arrival day for this years Lundkommar-guests.

Check in between 16.00 and 22.00.

Saturday April 13th

09.30 Daytrip to Træna

Experience Træns community, culture and nature. A grand experience. The trip is guided and goes by a chartered boat. Duration: 4 - 5 hours. Assembly before departure at approx. 09.15 in the reception.

16.00 Observation trip - Are the Puffins returning today?

Join us up on Heirsan, perhaps we will experience the returning flight of the puffins allready today.

21.30 Mini concert with "Kor i Havet”

Lovunds very own "Kor i Havet" presents a little tribute to the spring. A nice and unformal concert after dinner.

Sunday April 14th - Return og the puffins-day

09.00 Lecture with Hans Petter Sørensen (Far out focus) 

10.30 Dronningrunden

Join us on a walk through the Lovund village. The guide tells about life on Lovund today and in the old days, and about what makes it worth living on Lovund. The tour starts outside the reception at 10.30 and ends at the Coastal Culture Centre.

11.30 Coastal Culture Centre

We are proud of the Coastal Culture Centre, The Lovund people's own museum. The exhibitions at the museum range widely, so there are guaranteed to be interesting things for everyone: In the Homes, Fisherman's Life, The Usefull Birds, The Lovund Cutter Neptun, The Large-boat House and paintings. The center closes after the walk.

14.00 Gallery SYN

Formal opening of this year's exhibition in Gallery SYN - information about this year's exhibitor will come later.

16.00 The grand observation trip

Alkøybukta west of Lovund is part of the open ocean. The puffins always gather here before they seize Lundeura - their dwelling spot for the next five months. We follow the Petter Dass trail to Heirsan. Will we see the Puffins? Warm, windproof clothing, good footwear and binoculars are needed. The tour is guided. Assemble in the reception area at 16.00.

Monday April 15th

Departure day

Diclaimer: changes might occur

Dinig Hours

Friday April 12th

07 - 09   13 - 15   17 - 22

Saturday April 13th

07 - 10  |  13 - 15  |  17 - 22

Sunday April 14th

07 - 10  |  13 - 15   |  17 - 22

Monday April 15th

07 - 10  |  13 - 15  | 17 - 22



About the Puffins at Lovund

The puffin colony at Lovund is the southernmost in Nordland county. Currently it holds approximately 150,000 individuals. 50 years ago, the population was estimated at 750,000 (Myrberget), but the decline in herring and sandeel populations led to a dramatic reduction in the puffin population. On Lundkommardagen in 2019 the puffins came in quantities we have not seen for several years. For us it was an experience that planted seeds of optimism. Is the puffin population on Lovund growing?

Puffins is a true seabirds and spend most of their time scatered across the Norwegian Sea. When winter loosens its grip, the birds are reminded that they must reproduce. They begin to move towards land, to the colony where they were born. At the beginning of April, we can observe the first birds in the sea outside of Lovund, and as the days go by the assembly of birds grows bigger and bigger. April 14th is the traditional date for when the birds settle in their nesting place Lundura: Flocks in the hundreds, in the thousands, take off from the sea and make their ritualistic flock-flights over the sea surface and gradually higher into the air. And then, as if on cue, they fly in towards Lundura. There is a rush of wingbeats, and the air above the scree is filled with birds. From the sea comes wave after wave of new flocks. Some birds settle, some inspect their nest. Most leave nests to be nests: they fly a few rounds over the scree before heading towards the sea again.

It's Lundkommardag on Lovund!